The following credits must be earned in order to be awarded a Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences: Students must earn 30 or more credits from the following courses, including both core courses and specialized courses.
The brief categories and course descriptions are shonw below:
A: Core Courses
1) Basic Lecture Courses (8 credits throughout course) Introduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences (2 credits)
Basic Training for Crossover Research (2 credits)
Basic Experiment for Crossover Research (2 credits)
Fundamental Pharmacology (1 credit)
Fundamental Pharmaceutics (1 credit)
B: Specialized Courses
2) Research Seminars (4 credits each year)
Research presentations and debate training through seminars and journal groups held in each laboratory. 8 credits required in 2 years
3) Experimental Research (8 credits in years one and two)
Design and implementation of research experiments, in order to obtain the knowledge and technical skills required for completing the graduation thesis
4) Specialized Lecture Courses (one credit from each, 3 credits in total)
Short, intensive lecture courses that students are recommended to attend in the first year of the Master’s Course.
Specific Lecture for Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences (1 credit) Specific Lecture for Bioethics and Social Pharmacy (1 credit) Scientific English(1 credit)
5) Advanced Lecture Courses (1-2 credits each, 3 credits or more from each type of lecture course)
Advanced lecture courses open only to students whose attendance has been approved following the mid-term validation at the end of the first year of the Master’s Course.
Credits from other departments in Nagoya University (Graduate Schools of Science, Engineering, Bioagricultural Sciencese) may be counted as contributing credits but may not be included in the 30 credits from core and specialized courses required for graduation.
Courses 1) to 4) as outlined above are mandatory courses, and students must obtain 27 credits or more from these 4 mandatory courses within 2 years.
Individual lecture courses shown in 5) are elective, but the lecture courses themselves are mandatory. Students must obtain 3 or more credits from these courses.