北村雅人 (教授)

教授 北村雅人








Biographical Sketch

Masato Kitamura was born in Nagoya in 1956. He studied agricultural chemistry at Nagoya University where he received his Ph.D. degree on the total synthesis of maytansine, under the supervision of the late Professor T. Goto and Professor M. Isobe. After doing postdoctoral work with Professor G. Stork (Columbia University) on the synthesis of a veratrum alkaloid, he joined the Noyori group at Nagoya University as an Assistant Professor in 1983 and was appointed as an Associate Professor in 1990. In 1998, he moved to Organic Synthetic Division of Research Center for Materials Science as a Full Professor. His research interests mainly span three areas of synthetic organic chemistry in view of the creation of organic materials that show useful chemical, physical, or biological functions: (1) Development of new synthetic methods. Especially establishment of selective catalytic systems. (2) Mechanistic study on catalysis. (3) Application of new methodology to the strategical synthesis of terpenes, alkaloids, antibiotics, prostaglandins, peptides, and related unnatural compounds. He is a recipient of the Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists in 1989.

Field of Research

Synthetic organic chemistry. Asymmetric catalysis. Organometallic chemistry.

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